Special Interest Groups

SIGs are loosely structured communities of members formed for the purpose of knowledge sharing and discussion among members with similar interests, whether they are specific subjects, issues, or types of institutions or students they serve.  SIGs nurture the growing diversity within the association by providing small “micro” communities within which members can network and add value to their TACAC membership experience.

To start a new SIG, please complete the SIG application form. SIG approval is required by TACAC leadership. All SIGs are expected to adhere to the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Guidelines developed by the TACAC IDEA Committee to assure engaged and continuous SIG leadership.

Current SIGs:

Advising Prospective Student-Athletes Matt Arant & Quenby Mott, co-facilitators 

The Advising Prospective Student-Athletes Special Interest Group (SIG) fosters a collaborative environment dedicated to sharing and educating professionals on the complexities of the college admission and athletic recruitment processes at every NCAA division. Our mission is to provide valuable resources, insights, and strategies to navigate the unique challenges prospective student-athletes face.  Open to high school counselors, college admissions professionals, community-based organization members, and independent counselors, the SIG welcomes those who work directly with prospective student-athletes or wish to enhance their guidance skills to support these students through the recruitment and admissions process effectively.

College & Career Advisors Special Interest Group - Amber Stephens & April Garza, co-facilitators

The mission of the College & Career Advisors Special Interest Group (SIG) is to provide a collaborative environment to share resources, discuss, advocate, and support matters and responsibilities associated with the high school specialist’s student population. SIG members will have the opportunity to connect with other high school professionals who assist students and facilitate programs within the college and career process. This group will welcome all high school advisors interested in participating and attending.

Independent Educational Consultants- Shannon Bergeron & Aubrey Groves co-facilitators

The mission of the Independent Educational Consultants Special Interests Group is to provide a space to discuss, advocate, and support matters directly related to IEC's to work in collaboration with high school counselors and higher education associates. We seek to connect TACAC members who work directly with students and parents in the College Application Process. This group will welcome all who attend.


While Latinx/Hispanic student populations in the United States trend to surpass other groups, there still remains a gap in college readiness and graduation. Many students are first-generation college-bound, some with Spanish-speaking parents, which presents additional barriers. One goal of the Latinx/Hispanic SIG is to provide a community to share resources that can help Latinx and Hispanic students and their families during their college search and admission process. Additionally, the SIG shall serve as a community for Latinx/Hispanic-identifying professionals to share how to develop successfully within their college admissions careers. Overall, the mission of the Latinx/Hispanic SIG is to provide a safe place for discussion and a deeper understanding of the current state of politics, culture, and economics in Texas and the US and how these and other factors impact the Latinx/Hispanic population within college admissions.

 Regional Admissions Counselors Jillian MillerKendall Dacey, & Roquee Forson, co-chairs

The Regional Admissions Counselors SIG aims to promote a continued dialogue on the intended purpose, organizational structures, and common practices of regional networks throughout the state. Admissions professionals can engage in meaningful discussions about the successes, failures, implementation, and outcomes experienced within their regional network. This furthers TACAC's mission by emphasizing the value in consistent communication and building stronger relationships between secondary and post-secondary professionals in Texas. 

Transfer/Community College - Kelli Anne Davis, facilitator

Community Colleges have a unique role within higher education. However, we continue to see resistance to promote and encourage students towards community college. To help the community college voice be heard as well as continue TACAC's commitment to provide the highest standard of counseling and help students persist in their education, we ask to form a Special Interest Group for Community Colleges. This group would allow community college TACAC members to share their information with 4-year institution members allowing for a better flow of communication, more knowledgeable members, and better overall collaboration. 


Co-Chairs: Destiny Jones & Mickey Saloma