TACAC Member Relief Fund

The TACAC Member Relief Fund initially established in September 2017 and brought back in February 2021 is now a permanent fund for Texas ACAC members. The key to the fund is understanding that our members face critical needs in their life while at the same time providing care and support to others.

Goals for the TACAC Member Relief Fund:

  • Provide assistance to Texas ACAC members experiencing financial hardship. Initially, the hardship was established by the Winter Storms of February 2021 but is now expanded to allow members to submit a request at any time.  
  • Allow for privacy and discretion for members, as circumstances can vary by request, by limiting the review of each application to members of the MRF committee. 
  • Encourage members to nominate other members for assistance. As a profession made up of those who give assistance, we have learned that sometimes it is hard to seek assistance personally. We must allow for our members to take care of each other by speaking up for those who cannot/will not seek assistance for themselves.
  • Continue to support the fund by Executive Board budgeting and assistance from those wishing to support members personally.

Additional information on the use and distribution of the funds can be found in the Member Relief Fund Guidelines.


You can help TACAC members going through financial hardships by choosing to make a tax-deductible donation to the TACAC Member Relief Fund.

Donate to Member Relief

Need Assistance?

If you are in need of financial assistance or know a fellow member who is, please complete a simple request form so we may consider your request. The committee will review requests as they are received to provide support for members.

Relief Request Form


Kimberly West, Past President