About Us

Chartered in 1979, TACAC is one of 23 state and regional affiliates of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). TACAC supports NACAC's mission to support and advance the work of counseling and enrollment professionals as they help all students realize their full educational potential, with particular emphasis on the transition to postsecondary education. TACAC is committed to promoting high professional standards that foster ethical and social responsibility.


The Bylaws detail the operations and the internal rules of TACAC. The Executive Committee establishes the Bylaws which is reviewed regularly by the delegates to ensure proper protocol is followed. The delegates suggest any revisions necessary based on current needs or practice. The Bylaws include information pertaining to how officers are elected, how meetings are conducted, and which officers the association will have and a description of their role and responsibilities.

The Bylaws were approved by the Executive Board on January 21, 2023, and approved by the voting membership on April 3, 2023.

Policies and Procedures Manual

This manual carefully specifies the responsibilities of officers, committees, and chairpersons.

Vision Statement

TACAC develops professionals committed to providing the highest quality counseling to ensure students' access to and persistence through post-secondary education.


  • Promotes access to post-secondary education for all Texans
  • Provides professional continuing education opportunities for members
  • Keeps abreast and when necessary acts on legislative issues that affect college admissions and secondary education
  • Supports the role of college counseling professionals in their schools and recognizes the importance of the service they provide
  • Supports ethical practices concerning student rights and the college admission process.

Values of our association:

  • Service
  • Professionalism
  • Mutual respect
  • Cooperation and communication
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Diversity and individualism
  • Ethics

Statement of Inclusivity

The Executive Board of the Texas Association for College Admission Counseling is committed to creating a constructive climate for intellectual and scholarly growth, meaningful interaction, and common endeavors as we guide students through the college search process and support our members in their professional growth within the association. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are key to the work that we do.

As an organization, we embrace the diversity of our members and celebrate the expanding diversity of students and educators across Texas. Our mission to value diversity thrives on a plurality of backgrounds, experiences, viewpoints, and positionalities. We recognize that power imbalances, organizational/institutional bias, and systems of oppression can stand in the way of students and educators achieving their full potential. We are committed to cultivating mutual respect, empathy and understanding amongst our members. As an organization, we affirm all people regardless of their age, culture, intellectual and physical ability, ethnic origin, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, military experience, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic status.

To these ends, we engage in the following practices and pursuits:

  • Create an inclusive organizational environment that is broadly accessible and welcoming to individuals of diverse identities, experiences, and aspirations.
  • Foster an equitable, intellectual and social climate that is inclusive and respectful for all members. We acknowledge that categories of difference are fluid and not necessarily fixed. We respect individual rights to self-identification and expression; we encourage activities, gatherings, and conversations in which individuals from all walks of life are empowered to lend their voice and fully participate.
  • Provide resources and space for distinctive programming that further our diversity goals and our shared interests and ideals.
  • Encourage our members to be conscientious, critical thinkers, as well as considerate, responsible leaders.

In order to hold ourselves accountable we commit to the ongoing evaluation of our policies, practices, and programs to assess our progress in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion.