TACAC Leadership
Executive OfficerPositions
President-Elect – Will become president the following year. Primary duties include but not limited to chairing Conference Planning Committee, serving on and attending all meetings of the executive officers and executive board, assisting the president with duties as deemed appropriate, and identifying association members who might be appropriate selections for committee chairpersons. Serves a one-year term as president-elect, a one-year term as president, and a one-year term as immediate past-president.
Treasurer-Elect – Position shadows the treasurer for one year prior to assuming responsibilities of treasurer. Primary duties include but not limited to maintaining the official financial records of the Association and to report on the financial condition of the Association at general membership and executive board meetings. This person is a member of the executive officers and board. Serves a one-year term as treasurer-elect, a one-year term as treasurer, and a one-year term as past-treasurer.
Members have the opportunity to apply for executive officer, board, and program chair positions. Members are also asked to provide statements of support for executive officer candidates and nominations for TACAC awards. A call for applications and nominations will be put out in early fall. Applications, statements of support, and nomination forms are due to the TACAC past president by late fall.
TACAC seeks members-at-large to help identify and select our future leaders. Please consider applying for the Awards & Nominating Committee.